Sunday, May 24, 2009

I already have him trained well :)).

Many of you who know me, know that I am not the type to be carefree about my house and about situations in life. I'm a planner, not a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of girl. I like organization and clean. I like to know what is planned the following weekend (not something that just got planned and will be happening in about an hour). Sure my kids have toys and they play with them. But my rule of thumb is once you leave your bedroom for good (meaning not just going to the potty and back), you clean your room or clean up with what you just played with. My kids aren't perfect and I still have to remind them, but I do and am consistent. Sure my house isn't always clean/organized, but when it is, I'm a happy wife/mama. I don't know what it is...I've always envied friends/family members of mine who are more carefree than myself, but I really feel I would go a little nuts if I did (believe me..I've tried lol). So we are watching our nephews (pictured in the previous post..minus little Owen) and my nephews kind of went a little crazy (which is fine and normal) in Corbin's room right before lunch today. The kids ate and we put them right down after. So I am taking Corbin to his room and he walks in and notices the mess. It's not bad..maybe a 3 min. cleanup. He immediately gasps and exclaims, "Oh, messy..UHHH"!!! I tell him it's okay and we can clean it up after nap. Then he says, "'s okay mommy..we'll clean up later". I told Daryl and we had a pretty good chuckle out of it. He pretty much reacted how I normally would have, had the boys not been here. Not really the typical reaction of a 3-year-old boy. Just had to share since everyone is currently napping and I had a little down-time.

1 comment:

The Momma said...

Yeah...I definitely didn't get that keep everything cleaned and organized gene, wish I would have because my house is never picked up and cleaned:)