Friday, August 29, 2008

You are my sunshine...Please don't take my Tatum away

So every night we have a routine. Story, prayers and a song. They aren't always in that order and the prayer doesn't always happen every night (or even the that bad?)...but one thing that has to happen is the song. I told her about 6 months ago that when she was a baby and I would change her diaper on the changing table, I would play the music on her mobile (hung on the wall above her changer) and I would sing to her. So then she asked me to sing the song I sang to her. I always changed up the last part and personalized it to her. So every night I sing to her. It's really good, because there are those nights where I'm really not in the mood or maybe she just got done with having a time out or I have a headache...the list could go on, but she makes me do it. It's always nice to end the night on a really happy note and I know that's why she likes me to do it (and I'm always glad to). Every time I sing to her, she blushes and then will kiss/hug me and tells me goodnight and she loves me...every time. It's nice because it's just our song (Daryl will join in occasionally too). I'm sure one day she will ask me to stop singing to her, but for right now...


Just the Five of Us said...

That's really sweet. I love special moments like that!

arizonamama said...

That's what life is made up of. Great precious moments like that and so simple. I love singing to my kids too although I admit sometimes I shorten it a bit when I'm not feeling too well. I bet Tatum will always love you singing to her as long as you keep doing it.

Darce said...

We do the same thing. The girls won't let me get away without doing it. And, you're right--it does end the day on a happy "note". Isn't it awesome how kids can do that for/to you!

Keep up being a great mom!

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