Wednesday, June 23, 2010


**UPDATE~I had someone comment as to why I was put on 400 mgs of prometrium right away..I really should have elaborated that my first two preg. ended in miscarriages due to low progesterone and my last two preg. (which resulted in my daughter and son), I took the meds for the first trimester.

So this is about as long as I could handle it.  I've told a few select few, but other than that, I was officially waiting for my first ultrasound to tell.  This was our first "not planned" pregnancy, but in our minds, we always knew we would have three.  It must have been God's timing, so we are going to go with that.  So a few weeks ago I had started feeling really tired and just had that feeling, so on the way home from class one day, I stopped and bought a two pack and went straight down to the basement to pee.  Sure enough, two dark lines showed up right away.  I called my old obstetrician down in Paradise Valley (who delivered my previous two) and he put me on 400 mgs of prometrium right away (progesterone).  $230 bucks a month for two months which isn't fun and it makes me super dizzy in the morning and at night leaving me unable to concentrate or study for my anatomy and physiology class (which was fast paced and also taught by a first time instructor..really not a good combination).  So after failing my last two tests and crying over the stress of it all..I decided to withdraw (which is really not my cup of tea)..but I'm so glad now.  The only reason I was taking this course was to be able to get into the nursing program much faster (in the Spring)..obviously not going to happen I can relax..some.  I'll still continue taking classes (I'll have my associates in the fall..unfortunately those course won't go towards my nuring pre and corequesites).  Eventually, I will get there.
So as much as I LOVE my old obstetrician, I knew it wasn't feasible to drive down to the valley in the snow every week towards the end of my preg., so I had to find someone new.  Given that we are in Flagstaff..the pickins are pretty slim.  I found someone who has been doing this a while and specializes in high risk pregnancies.  I went in and saw him today (oh yay..I've already gained 4 freakin' pounds!) and expected the ultrasound to go a little like Dr. DeSanto's would have, but no.  Very fast and I asked to hear the heart beat (like I did with my other two at 6 wks) and he said his machine didn't do that (it looked exactly like Dr. D's).  He wouldn't even measure the baby until I asked him to and it measured at 6 wks, 2 right on schedule.  Then I had to ask him to check around for another sac, check my ovaries, check for any bleeds, etc..etc..(he kept trying to hurry through the ultrasound..really not cool).  The heartbeat was sooo fast.  He said 160.  Tatum's was always that high and Corbin's was more like 120 in the beginning.  I'm really thinking girl since I've been a little more queasy with this one.  No throwing up which is good.  The new doc went on to say he'd deliver me a week early by c-section (so Feb 6th, 2011) and I'd get another ultrasound in 3 wks.  Then he went on to say that the prometrium my old ob put me on was a joke.  He's kind of a know-it-all and has the driest..and I mean driest personality.  It's like talking to a brick wall.  But I do feel in my heart he will be great at my c-section.  I just wish his bedside manners were a little friendlier.  Not that Dr. D (my old ob) wasn't dry, but the ultrasounds were always super fun as well as the appointments.  He was always very excited for me.  Maybe since I don't know this doc yet, it's different.  I just can't believe we are going to have our family completed soon.  Financially we may be struggling some..but really, it will only be for the next few years.  We can still put three kids through college one day. :-)
The baby is in between the two x's and the yolk sac is on the side.  The dark spot is the amniotic fluid (sac).

If you look closely at the can see the fast little flicker of baby Thumbelina's heart beat (Tatum already named her). 


The Momma said...

Yeah!! I was just thinking I need to find out when your ultrasound is. I'm so excited for you guys:)

Xandi said...

Thanks Angie. You know you sort-of helped me in a way achieve this pregnancy lol! It seems everyone is preg. these days..must be something in the water I guess. ;-)

Just the Five of Us said...

Awesome picture of the babe! I was just thinking about you yesterday and I'm glad you posted about it all. Congrats again, Xandi! I am so happy for you guys!!

arizonamama said...

Congratulations! Tatum is going to be the BEST big sister. I know she'll love it. Have a wonderful (and uneventful) pregnancy!

Ashley Pirness said...

Hi Xandi....congratulations on your pregnancy!!! Hope you guys are doing well...we are also #2....I am due March 3rd....we are hoping everything will go well...I had a miss in between Rihanna and this pregnancy so we are crossing our fingers with this one :)Anyways good luck with everything and I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!

Ashley Pirness said...

Hi Xandi....this is Ashley again...just thought I would let you know that we aren't telling everyone yet that we are please if you respond send me a private message or email and don't post on my facebook :) thanks :)

Xandi said...

Congrats Ashley!!! Of course I won't say anything on FB. How exciting!! We need to get in contact again. Your daughter is such a cutie!!