Saturday, February 20, 2010


So with this being our first winter in Flagstaff (or anywhere other than Phx.), I just assumed that "this" was normal. Now I've learned that this isn't. We've had 2 blizzards so far this winter with one being so bad they shut down the colleges and schools for a few days. Then the other one, the elementary school was shut down for a whole week because it had snowed 5 1/2 feet out by us. Because the roads aren't paved and it's a private road out by us, the roads can be a bit rough out here for the minivan, but at least we can use the all-wheel drive truck on those days which helps. There's nothing like getting your van stuck in a neighbors driveway while trying to sell Girl Scout cookies for your daughter's troop 2 wks after getting stuck in the same neighborhood pulling over for a Suburban who was trying to get by which made the van slide into a small bank on the side of the road. This may be our last winter with the van :(. I will miss it, but we may need something more rugged. There's nothing like trying to drive up a steep driveway while your van wants to slide backwards and to the side because of the black ice while your skid light is on.

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