Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fun Times with the McWilliam's Family

*I took this picture from Angie's blog haha. They passed on the bike that Grant learned how to not use training wheels on. It so reminds me of my old pink banana bike from way back..*
The other day, we had Angie and Frank over for lunch to see their new baby girl, Taylor. One nice thing about Daryl's time off is not having to wait for the weekend to plan things with him. We both went to high school with them and our kids get along so well. Here's a few pictures of our fun day :)).


The Momma said...

Is she getting better on it yet? The kids are still talking about your kids so we need to get together again soon!

Xandi said...

She's okay on it, but it will be a while since this is Tatum we are talking about lol. We've been to the park a few times since then. Marley ate her helmet, so she really wants a new one. Maybe she'll be more brave when we get her a new one. It was too were were at the park and she was being social with the other kids and she tells them, "Hey, that's my dirty bike over like it?" I think she thinks of "vintage" as being "dirty" lol.

Just the Five of Us said...

I love these pictures!