Thursday, June 18, 2009


When we get health insurance again (hopefully soon), I am taking her to an allergist. I don't know why, but occasionally she gets these really dark circles under her eyes. We've broken it down and know it's not from lack of sleep, not the sunscreen (since she pretty much wears it every day and it doesn't happen every day). It's gotta be something she's eating right?? Maybe the environment?? It's just really annoying when you don't have a diagnosis for it. She said it doesn't hurt. She does have eczema, which flares up occasionally as well as keratosis pilaris (lovingly inherited from me..poor girl). Hopefully my cousin (who is a doctor) will have a better clue than we do.

1 comment:

The K Family said...

Wow....the allergist will certainly be able to find out what's going on with her, for sure. Poor girl.

I have keratosis pilaris as well. Little A has it and I'm certain that D is going to get it too. It's soo unsightly. My mom had it and never knew what it was called.